Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

FRANK SECICH Barrow Civic Theatre Franklin, Pa Oct 29, 2016

Frank Secich - musician, author, innovator and nice guy.... Frank has been around the music scene for many years (Google him, because I'm not going to spend hours typing!) with BLUE ASH, STIV BATORS and THE DEAD BOYS, CLUB WOW and THE DEADBEAT POETS.. He's written a wonderful book about his adventures that is called CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE... It is a fun and must read about his days in school, his days with pop sensation BLUE ASH and his music and times in NYC and LA with punk mega star STIV BATORS.... Frank did this short set to benefit a small but beautiful theater in Franklin, Pa. USA on Oct 29, 2016.. He's a great guy! Grab his music and his great book!!!